Restore agayne that colloure to the golde

Restore agayne that colloure to the golde
that garnishte hath those haires like golden streames
And lett those eyes so heavenly to beholde
resign unto the Sonn their borrowed beames
And let those lyppes whose smyles so much delight
unto the corrall yeelde their lyvely hue
And let those rancks of pearles retorne of ryghte
unto the Oryente whereas first they grewe
And lett that snowe which shadoweth so her breste
dissolve it selfe and unto dropps distyll
And lett that mynde which honoreth all the reste
surcease to use Mynervas sacrede skill
And let that harte off hardened flynty stone
returne unto the rocks from whence it came
And then (oh love) if thow wilte heare my mone
teach me withall how to foregett her name.
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