Whilste all on fyre victorius Rome blazed
wastinge her stately frontes to pale asshes
And that the wretched Romaynes amasede
with clamorous showtes wayled their losses.
Nero insatiable off Crueltye
gasinge from hye theratt laughedd for Joye
And to recorde his hatefull Tyrannye
tryumphantlye sange the burnynge off Troye
Even so the mercyleste this day that lyvethe
to see my harte flamynge fyndes Contentment
To heare mee sorrowe alas shee smylethe
her fayre Eyes glorye moste in my tormente
And shewinge her Rigor to the worldes sighte
Shee singes those plaintes that I weepinge do write.
Whilste all on fyre victorius Rome blazed
wastinge her stately frontes to pale asshes
And that the wretched Romaynes amasede
with clamorous showtes wayled their losses.
Nero insatiable off Crueltye
gasinge from hye theratt laughedd for Joye
And to recorde his hatefull Tyrannye
tryumphantlye sange the burnynge off Troye
Even so the mercyleste this day that lyvethe
to see my harte flamynge fyndes Contentment
To heare mee sorrowe alas shee smylethe
her fayre Eyes glorye moste in my tormente
And shewinge her Rigor to the worldes sighte
Shee singes those plaintes that I weepinge do write.
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