
Ye champions! who maintain
God's everlasting law,
Call on his name again,
And tow'rds his presence draw;
And soon your steady march your foes shall overawe.

Why should you faint or fear?
He shall preserve ye still;
Life, love — all — all that's dear
Yield to his holy will,
And he shall steel your hearts, and strengthen you 'gainst ill.

F ROM Christ, a hundred fold
Of bliss ye shall receive;
For time — that soon is told —
Eternity he'll give;
And he that dies for truth immortally shall live.

L IFT , then, your lances high,
Ye men of knightly word,
For valor shall supply
Meet weapons from her hoard,
And ye shall bravely fight, ye servants of the Lord.

Why should ye dread the foe,
Tho' numerous they may be?
Will God desert ye? No!
For him, and with him, ye
Shall dissipate the base and boasting enemy.

H AVE ye not understood
Your ancient proverb — hear!
" Bohemians it is good,
" With a good Lord, to bear
" The flag of victory and its proud standard rear. "

Y E thieves, ye ravens, think
What perils round ye fly;
Ye stand upon the brink
Where fraud and avarice nigh,
Will fling ye to the abyss of night and misery.

T HINK — think while yet ye may,
And thinking — O retreat
From danger — while 'tis day;
O, thoughtless ones! 'tis meet
That he who slips should watch another's slippery feet.

T HEN to the bloody fight!
One only word — On! On!
Your weapons — for the right —
And God your trust alone;
Smite, smite — let none be spared! let mercy be for none.
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