Ode 50. The Happy Effects of Wine

See, see, the jolly god appears,
His hand a mighty goblet bears;
With sparkling wine full-charg'd, it flows,
The sov'reign cure of human woes.
Wine gives a kind release from care,
And courage to subdue the fair,
Instructs the cheerful to advance,
Harmonious in the sprightly dance.
Hail, goblet! rich with gen'rous wines;
See, round the verge a vinebranch twines:
See, how the mimic clusters roll,
As ready to refil the bowl!
Wine keeps its happy patients free
From ev'ry painful malady;
Our best physician all the year,
Thus guarded no disease we fear,
No troublesome disease of mind,
Until another year grows kind,
And loads again the fruitful vine,
And brings again our health — new wine.
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