Constance the Cure of Absence


As absence is the greatest so
That Cupid's clients do suspect;
(Lang out of sicht engenders so
To presence the contrair effect;)
And as oblivion dois deject
The building of rememberance;

So lak of memorie dois neglect
The deids deserving recompance.
Of absence langour dois proceid;
And langour breids melancolie.
Melancolie procuirs the deid
Be sindrie kynds of maladie.
Thus may I gather easalie
That Absence is ane homiceid,
To martyre men maist crewellie,
Except thair be found out remeid.

Now thoch the Causer of thir thre,
(Langour, melancolie, and deid),
This present tyme dois threattin me
To pour thir [haill] plags on my heid,
Laking that grace my caus to pleid,
At Bewteis bar to seik refuge;
Yit in your justice I confeid,
Absence my richt sall not prejuge.

Thoch other lovers doe alledge,
For to defend thair libertie,
Sum other causes to repledge
Thameselves from absence 'tyrannie;
Yit into that securitie,
With thame, I put no confidence;
Suppose in love my constancie
Deservis als great recompence.

To find ane trew Penelope,
Quhair other sum hes wrocht in vaine! —
Yit I belief to find yow sae,
And constanter for to remaine:
In easing thus your lover's paine,
As scho wes to be registrat.
And sua, thoch absence me disdaine,
I sall induire the last combat.

Tho absence be The maladie
Tormenting me
With daylie greif;
Your constancie May remedie.
Gif not, I die
Without releif.
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