Have Faith in Truth

Have faith in truth. The generations pass:
The centuries wither like sun-stricken grass:
The very stars are doomed:
Yet never one true word shall pass away.
The songs of David thrill our hearts to-day;
His soul is disentombed.

His words move English hearts.—The words of Paul
Electrify and aid and lift us all
In our far Northern land.
No true word ever passes,—no Ideal.
Is any word of Christ to-day less real
Or parable less grand?

Words spoken by blue calm Gennesaret
Are heard to-day where ceaseless wild waves fret
Wild echoing granite shores.
Though all things tremble at the touch of time
There is a power more solemn, more sublime,
Which past the time-realm soars:

There is a power at which the stars of space
Tremble,—a power which finds God's dwelling-place,
Quitting earth's lowlier clime:
The power of each strong human soul to say,
“My life's true work shall never pass away;
It laughs at death and time.”
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