To the Reverend Father in God, John, Lord Bishop of Salusbury
In gifts excelling, though you do excell,
O you declare nathles, your soul right well
Hath learned in the Schoole of Christ, that you
Not of your self have grace, but for it sue.
Deckt though your minde be then with many graces,
And they inhabit in you, severall places,
Very well filling of your inward heart,
Ever that soundnes then doth us impart;
Nathles the jewell of them all possessing,
Admire I do at Salisburies great blessing,
Not puffed up, nohead in vane you reare,
Thus humble, lowly, still your self you beare.
O you declare nathles, your soul right well
Hath learned in the Schoole of Christ, that you
Not of your self have grace, but for it sue.
Deckt though your minde be then with many graces,
And they inhabit in you, severall places,
Very well filling of your inward heart,
Ever that soundnes then doth us impart;
Nathles the jewell of them all possessing,
Admire I do at Salisburies great blessing,
Not puffed up, nohead in vane you reare,
Thus humble, lowly, still your self you beare.
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