The Heatherblend Club Banquet

'Twas on the 16th of October, in 1894,
I was invited to Inverness, not far from the seashore,
To partake of a Banquet prepared by the Heatherblend Club,
Gentlemen who honoured me without any hubbub.

The Banquet was held in the Gellion Hotel,
And the landlord, Mr Macpherson, treated me right well;
Also the servant maids were very kind to me,
Especially the girl who polished my boots most beautiful to see.

The Banquet consisted of roast beef, potatoes, and red wine,
Also hare soup and sherry, and grapes most fine,
And baked pudding and apples, lovely to be seen,
Also rick sweet milk and delicious cream.

Mr Gossip, a noble Highlander, acted as chairman,
And when the Banquet was finished the fun began;
And I was requested to give a poetic entertainment,
Which I gave, and which pleased them to their hearts' content.

And for the entertainment they did me well reward
By entitling me the Heatherblend Club Bard;
Likewise I received an Illuminated Address,
Also a purse of silver, I honestly confess.

Mr A. J. Stewart was very kind to me,
And tried all he could to make me happy;
And several songs were sung by gentlemen there —
It was the most social gathering I've been in, I do declare.

Oh, magnificent town of Inverness!
With its lovely scenery on each side,
And your beautiful river, I must confess,
'Twould be good for one's health there to reside.

There the blackbird and the mavis doth sing,
Making the woodland with their echoes to ring;
During the months of July, May and June,
When the trees and shrubberies are in full bloom.

And to see the River Ness rolling smoothly along,
Together with the blackbird's musical song;
As the sun shines bright in the month of May,
'Twill help to drive dull care away.

And Macbeth's Castle is grand to be seen,
Situated on Castle Hill, which is beautiful and green,
'Twas there Macbeth lived in days of old,
And a great tyrant he was, be it told.

I wish the Heatherblend members every success,
Hoping God will prosper them and bless;
Long May Dame Fortune smile upon them,
For all of them I've met are kind gentlemen.

And, in conclusion, I must say
I never received better treatment in my day
Than I received from my admirers in bonnie Inverness;
This on my soul and conscience I do confess.
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