Nature, and Arte are overmatcht by thee

Nature, and Arte are overmatcht by thee
in secreat vertews both of Plants and flowers
thou doest excell both Phisick and the Bee
though in their functions, and their severall powers
the best but honny that the Bee canne gett
and Med'cene is all Phisicke doeth extract
by thee againe they both to schoole are sett
for thou hast found what Arte, and Nature lackte
their use is whilst, the Plant or flower doth growe
drawne from the leafe, the rinde, the barck, the roote
but thou in these doest greater cunninge shewe
to serve thy use though lyinge under foote
both foode, and Medcene thou from these doest try
both these confinde in thy moralitye
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