
Oh! what is Earth! A " table d'hote "
With viands plain or rare,
That finds for every different throat
A different " bill of fare. "

What's Life? " A chicken pie, " (I trust
My muse the figure owns,)
Where many seek the " upper crust "
And all must " crack the bones. "

And what is Fame? An empty " puff "
A " trifle, " light as air,
And they are last to cry " enough, "
Who get the largest share.

And what is Love? A " pudding's " smile
Where different spices woo,
But " heart burn " lingers in its wile
And indigestion too.

And what is Knowledge? " Turtle soup "
Where " calves' heads " often swim,
Where some in deepest darkness grope,
And some the surface skim.

And what is Friendship? " Punch, " whose sweet
Must with its sour combine
To make, or as we part or meet,
A " nectar " most divine.

And what is Death? Alas! The " bill, "
Which all who eat must pay,
And tho' at best a " bitter pill "
It wipes all scores away.

And what are all, when numbered up,
For which we seek or sigh?
A " toast " above a " stirrup cup, "
" Eat, drink, for soon ye die. "
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