Boy Sings -
Y E Minutes bring the happy Hour,
And Chloe Blushing to the Bower:
Then shall all Idle Flames be o're,
Nor Eyes or Heart e're wander more:
Both, Chloe , fix'd for e're on Thee,
For Thou art all thy Sex to Me.
A Guilty is a false Embrace,
Corinna's Love's a Fairy-Chace:
Begone, thou Meteor, Fleeting Fire,
And all, that can't survive Desire.
Chloe my Reason moves and Awe,
And Cupid shot Me, when he Saw.
Y E Minutes bring the happy Hour,
And Chloe Blushing to the Bower:
Then shall all Idle Flames be o're,
Nor Eyes or Heart e're wander more:
Both, Chloe , fix'd for e're on Thee,
For Thou art all thy Sex to Me.
A Guilty is a false Embrace,
Corinna's Love's a Fairy-Chace:
Begone, thou Meteor, Fleeting Fire,
And all, that can't survive Desire.
Chloe my Reason moves and Awe,
And Cupid shot Me, when he Saw.
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