The Conclusion of the Second Part
Thus is the second Course now served in,
A Course too course for such a daintie Dame;
Yet (Ladie) though the cheere be bad and thin,
Because it comes of Zeale, accept the same:
And though not worthy of your grace it bee,
Yet make it gracious through your curtesie.
Great sumptuous Feasts the stomacke doth dislike,
Which oft in bodie dangerous surfets breed:
Where dishes few revive our sense and spright,
And Nature's pleasd on little for to feed.
This as a sawce (your appetite to move)
Accept, where meate's the HaRT, where Cooke is Love.
Nor thinke the worse, though I have spun a thred
So fine (I meane your praise) I cannot mend,
Since tis a worke to ground the wisest Hed,
And marre I should this loome, the Cloth not mend.
So Venus matchlesse shape Apelles drew ,
But how to finish it he never knew.
Farre more's my minde, than is my feeble might,
My pensill for thy picture is too weake:
The Sunne is onely for the Eagles sight,
My strength's too small, this hardned yce to breake.
Not painted scarce I thee have shadowed heere:
This taske's for such as have in skill no peere.
A Course too course for such a daintie Dame;
Yet (Ladie) though the cheere be bad and thin,
Because it comes of Zeale, accept the same:
And though not worthy of your grace it bee,
Yet make it gracious through your curtesie.
Great sumptuous Feasts the stomacke doth dislike,
Which oft in bodie dangerous surfets breed:
Where dishes few revive our sense and spright,
And Nature's pleasd on little for to feed.
This as a sawce (your appetite to move)
Accept, where meate's the HaRT, where Cooke is Love.
Nor thinke the worse, though I have spun a thred
So fine (I meane your praise) I cannot mend,
Since tis a worke to ground the wisest Hed,
And marre I should this loome, the Cloth not mend.
So Venus matchlesse shape Apelles drew ,
But how to finish it he never knew.
Farre more's my minde, than is my feeble might,
My pensill for thy picture is too weake:
The Sunne is onely for the Eagles sight,
My strength's too small, this hardned yce to breake.
Not painted scarce I thee have shadowed heere:
This taske's for such as have in skill no peere.
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