Ignavis Semper Feriae Sunt
Ignauis semper feriac sunt.
‘W ITH sluggards eu'ry day is holy day:’
And so it is with some that seldome sleepes;
For in an alehouse day and night they play
For ale, the while a colt the reckning keepes:
Till (like the wooden Troian horse) at last,
Their liues, and livelihoods the colt doth wast.
‘W ITH sluggards eu'ry day is holy day:’
And so it is with some that seldome sleepes;
For in an alehouse day and night they play
For ale, the while a colt the reckning keepes:
Till (like the wooden Troian horse) at last,
Their liues, and livelihoods the colt doth wast.
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