To My Most Deere Pupill, Mr. Henry Maynwarring
To my most deere pupill, Mr. Henry Maynwarring.
Your soule (deere Sir for I can iudge of sprights
Though not iudge soules) is like (besides her sire)
Those euer-beaming eye-delighting lights
Which do heau'ns body inwardly attire;
For her superior part (your spotlesse minde)
Hath nought therein that's not angelicall;
As high, as lowly, in a diuerse kinde,
And kind in either; so belou'd of all.
Then (noble Henry) loue me as thine owne,
That liues but (with thy worths) to make thee knowne.
Your soule (deere Sir for I can iudge of sprights
Though not iudge soules) is like (besides her sire)
Those euer-beaming eye-delighting lights
Which do heau'ns body inwardly attire;
For her superior part (your spotlesse minde)
Hath nought therein that's not angelicall;
As high, as lowly, in a diuerse kinde,
And kind in either; so belou'd of all.
Then (noble Henry) loue me as thine owne,
That liues but (with thy worths) to make thee knowne.
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