To My Approved Fast Friend, Mr. Thomas Welsh of Mauncell-Lacy
To my approued fast friend Mr. Thomas Welsh of Mauncell lacy.
M YNE other halfe (that like my better part
Hast bene more carefull then myselfe of mine)
How shall thy worst halfe guerdon thy desert,
Sith as it is, likewise it is but thine?
It must be thus: Take me and giue me thee,
That so made good thou maist requited bee.
M YNE other halfe (that like my better part
Hast bene more carefull then myselfe of mine)
How shall thy worst halfe guerdon thy desert,
Sith as it is, likewise it is but thine?
It must be thus: Take me and giue me thee,
That so made good thou maist requited bee.
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