Of the Schollers of Oxford and Cambridge
Of the Schollers of Oxford and Cambridge
E PIG . 216.
O XFORD and Cambridge, Cambridge and Oxford
Would both of you I might please with a word;
You in your wombes, good and bad clarkes do nourish,
And (like kinde mothers) tenderly do cherish
Though some you breede to amplify your fame,
Yet other some ye nurse, yourselues to shame
So fatally it fares with famous Schooles,
They send foorth famous men, some wise, some fooles.
E PIG . 216.
O XFORD and Cambridge, Cambridge and Oxford
Would both of you I might please with a word;
You in your wombes, good and bad clarkes do nourish,
And (like kinde mothers) tenderly do cherish
Though some you breede to amplify your fame,
Yet other some ye nurse, yourselues to shame
So fatally it fares with famous Schooles,
They send foorth famous men, some wise, some fooles.
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