To Mr. Thomas Bond, Secretary to My Right Honorable Lord, the Lord Chanceller of England
To Mr. Thomas Bond, Secretary to my right honorable Lord, the Lord Chaunceller of England.
E PIG . 280.
A MOST fast Bond you bee; that well I wott,
Yet am I free; then well, I know it not;
But if you will you may on me so set it,
That bound I shall be neuer to forget it
Yet howsoe're you binde mee or you loose mee,
I am so bound to yours you cannot lose me.
E PIG . 280.
A MOST fast Bond you bee; that well I wott,
Yet am I free; then well, I know it not;
But if you will you may on me so set it,
That bound I shall be neuer to forget it
Yet howsoe're you binde mee or you loose mee,
I am so bound to yours you cannot lose me.
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