St. Lawrence and the Saguenay, The - Part 38
M ONT R OYALE rises proudly on the view,
A Royal Mount, indeed, with verdure crowned,
Bedecked with regal dwellings, not a few,
Which here and there adorn the mighty mound.
S T . H ELENS next, a fair, enchanted ground,
A stately Isle in glowing foliage dressed,
Laved by the dark St. Lawrence all around,
Giving a grace to its enamored breast,
As pleasing to the eye as Hochelaga's crest.
A Royal Mount, indeed, with verdure crowned,
Bedecked with regal dwellings, not a few,
Which here and there adorn the mighty mound.
S T . H ELENS next, a fair, enchanted ground,
A stately Isle in glowing foliage dressed,
Laved by the dark St. Lawrence all around,
Giving a grace to its enamored breast,
As pleasing to the eye as Hochelaga's crest.
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