Skirmish betwixt Reason and Passion -

Reason. Thou rebell vile, come, to thy master yeeld,
And the other that met with him answered
Passion. No, tyrant, no; mine, mine shall be the field.
R. Can Reason, then, a tyrant counted be?
P. If Reason will that Passions be not free.
R. But Reason will that Reason gouerne most.
P. And Passion will that Passion rule the rost.
R. Your will is will, but Reason reason is.
P. Will hath his will when Reason's will doth misse.
R. Whom Passion leades, vnto his death is bent
P. And let him die, so that he die content.
R. By nature you to Reason faith haue sworne.
P. Not so, but fellow-like together borne.
R. Who Passion doth ensue, liues in annoy.
P. Who Passion doth forsake, liues voide of ioy.
R. Passion is blinde, and treades an vnknowne trace.
P. Reason hath eyes to see his owne ill case.
Then as they approched nearer, the two of Reason's side, as if they shot at the other, thus sang
R. Dare Passions, then, abide in Reason's light?
P. And is not Reason dim with Passion's might?
R. O foolish thing, which glory doth destroy!
P. O glorious title of a foolish toy!
R. Weaknesse you are, dare you with our strength fight?
P. Because our weaknesse weakneth all your might
R. O sacred Reason, helpe our vertuous toyles.
P. O Passion, passe on feeble Reason's spoyles.
R. We with ourselues abide a daylie strife.
P. We gladly vse the sweetnesse of our life.
R. But yet our strife sure peace in end doth breed
P. We now haue peace; your peace we do not need.
Then did the two square battailes meete, and in stead of fighting embrace one another, singing thus:
R. We are too strong; but Reason seeks no blood.
P. Who to be weake do faine they be too good.
R. Though we cannot orecome, our cause is iust.
P. Let vs orecome, and let vs be vniust.
R. Yet Passions yeeld at length to Reason's stroke
P. What shall we win by taking Reason's yoke?
R. The ioyes you haue shall be made permanent.
P. But so we shall with griefe learne to repent.
R. Repent indeed, but that shall be your blisse.
P. How know we that, since present ioyes we misse?
R. You know it not; of Reason therefore know it
P. No Reason yet had euer skill to shew it
R. Then let vs both to heauenly rules giue place
P. Which Passions kill, and Reason do deface.
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