Psalm 23
The Lord is my defence and guide,
My wants are by his care supply'd:
He leads me to refreshing shades,
Thro' verdant plains, and flow'ry meads;
And there securely makes me lie,
Near silver currents rolling by.
To guide my erring feet aright,
He gilds my paths with sacred light;
And to his own immortal praise,
Conducts me in his perfect ways.
In death's uncomfortable shade,
No terror can my soul invade:
While he, my strong defence, is near,
His presence scatters all despair.
My spiteful foes, with envy, see
His plenteous table spread for me:
My cup o'erflows with sparkling wine,
With fragrant oils my temples shine.
Since God hath wond'rous mercies shew'd,
And crown'd my smiling years with good;
The life he graciously prolongs,
Shall be employ'd in grateful songs;
My voice in lofty hymns I'll raise,
And in his temple spend my days.
The Lord is my defence and guide,
My wants are by his care supply'd:
He leads me to refreshing shades,
Thro' verdant plains, and flow'ry meads;
And there securely makes me lie,
Near silver currents rolling by.
To guide my erring feet aright,
He gilds my paths with sacred light;
And to his own immortal praise,
Conducts me in his perfect ways.
In death's uncomfortable shade,
No terror can my soul invade:
While he, my strong defence, is near,
His presence scatters all despair.
My spiteful foes, with envy, see
His plenteous table spread for me:
My cup o'erflows with sparkling wine,
With fragrant oils my temples shine.
Since God hath wond'rous mercies shew'd,
And crown'd my smiling years with good;
The life he graciously prolongs,
Shall be employ'd in grateful songs;
My voice in lofty hymns I'll raise,
And in his temple spend my days.
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