Psalm 37: 1ÔÇô7
Trust in the Lord: So shalt thou dwell
Within the land, and daily tell
How He thy soul doth ever feed,
And well supply thine every need.
Delight thyself in Him alway;
In shine or storm; by night by day;
Thine heart's desires He will fulfill,
And give the strength to do His will.
Commit to Him thine every way,
And He will guide thee day by day;
Thy righteousness shine as the light,
Thy judgment be as noonday bright.
Rest in the Lord, and wait for Him;
E'en though thy path be often dim.
Fret not, O child of God, thine heart,
For Jesus Christ will peace impart.
Within the land, and daily tell
How He thy soul doth ever feed,
And well supply thine every need.
Delight thyself in Him alway;
In shine or storm; by night by day;
Thine heart's desires He will fulfill,
And give the strength to do His will.
Commit to Him thine every way,
And He will guide thee day by day;
Thy righteousness shine as the light,
Thy judgment be as noonday bright.
Rest in the Lord, and wait for Him;
E'en though thy path be often dim.
Fret not, O child of God, thine heart,
For Jesus Christ will peace impart.
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