Shirley -

My next Addresse, Shirley, to Thee is due,
Now in the list of those whom once I knew.
Smooth as thy verse, thy Conversation flow'd,
Chast as the kisses by the Morn bestow'd
Upon the Virgin-daughters of the year;
Thy Lines and life alike unspotted were.
When Atlas could the weight no longer bear,
Alcides would support the starry sphere;
So when immortall Fletcher left the Age,
Thou didst step in, and prop the sinking stage,
Which proudly flourish'd in thy smoother dresse
Till barborous Times did it and thee suppresse.
Then oft, withdrawne from the dull ears of those
Who licenc'd nothing but rebellious Prose,
Me with those pleasures thy kind Muse supply'd
Which to it selfe that sullen Age deny'd.
Nor, though confin'd, could they unactive be,
But breath'd thy thoughts in Lyrick Poesy.
By her Instructed thou didst reinspire
Love's pale decaying torch with brighter fire,
Dilating every where thy Chaster flame,
And spreading to the World Odelia's name,
That Justice of all Ages must remit
To her the prize of Beauty, Thee of Wit.
Then like some skilfull Artist, who, to wonder
Framing a piece, displeas'd, takes it asunder,
Thou beauty didst depose, her charmes deny,
And all the mistick chaines of love untye,
That thy diviner Muse a pow'r 'bove Fate
Might boast, which can both make and uncreate.
Next, thou call'd'st back to life the love-sick Boy,
To the kind hearted Nymphs less fair then Coy,
Who, by reflex'd beams burnt with vain desire,
Did Pheenix-like, in his owne flames expire:
But should he view his shadow drawn by thee,
He with himselfe once more in love would bee.
Echo (who though she words pursue, her haste
Can only overtake and stop the last)
Shall her first speech and human veil obtain
To sing thy softer numbers o're againe.
Thus into dying Poetry thy Muse
Did full perfection and new life infuse.
Each line deserv'd a Laurell, and thy praise
Ask'd not a Garland, but a Grove of baies.
At length the Fates grew kinder, Thou didst live
To see Dramatick Poesy revive,
And, haveing wellcom'd her return to day,
Went'st off the stage, loaden with years and Bay.
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