Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 8

Some say they wonder how so well I write,
(Although my lines to no greate wonders stretch)
Sith Art, my skill, of Theft cannot indite;
Yet, I endite with skill aboue my reache!
Loue learnes me Art, which Art inspires my Muse:
For Grammer, Logicke, Retorick: and the rest:
( Musicke especially) Loues arte doth vse:
For, loue, vntun'nd, in Tune, is best exprest!
Loue, most diuine, makes men do miracles:
And, most humane loue, Woonders doth produce:
But, Beauties loue, in vertues Spectacles,
Makes men do woonders most miraculous:
Then, they a woonder do not vnderstand
That woonder, sith an Angell guides my hand.
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