Wit's Pilgrimage - Part 76
Bodies , bee neither Light , nor Heauy found
So longe as they are in their proper place;
But being out, they shift to It apace,
Bee it aboue, or els beneath the Ground:
Then, Loue , it seemes, is not in his right Spheare .
That in my Hart doth rest in such vnrest;
Who shifteth still to you, he loueth best;
Then, must he rest in you, or els no where
Because my Loue (Deere Loue ) then to that rest,
Sith Dinine Nature made you for the same;
Proue not disloyall to that roiall Dame,
But let vs eache of other be possest:
And, if your vertue simple were before
Thus, beeing purely mixt, it wilbe more.
So longe as they are in their proper place;
But being out, they shift to It apace,
Bee it aboue, or els beneath the Ground:
Then, Loue , it seemes, is not in his right Spheare .
That in my Hart doth rest in such vnrest;
Who shifteth still to you, he loueth best;
Then, must he rest in you, or els no where
Because my Loue (Deere Loue ) then to that rest,
Sith Dinine Nature made you for the same;
Proue not disloyall to that roiall Dame,
But let vs eache of other be possest:
And, if your vertue simple were before
Thus, beeing purely mixt, it wilbe more.
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