Basho's Zero dwells in the sun

Bashō's Zero dwells in the sun
hung a moment high above Rimbaud's Mirage
& Dryden in a Spitfire shoots down the Messerschmitt of Goethe with his Luger Iron Cross the works & so long John

Wars end & now in time of universal peace
Whitman sits at the controls of a Boeing 707
TWA made him shave & bring about some changes in his style of life
He has to say Good morning ladies & gentlemen this is your captain speaking to welcome you aboard Trans-World's non-stop flight to India
If you will look out your window just to the left you'll be able to see
The long & varied stretch from Puget Sound to Colorado south
Lands bathed in sweeter rarer healthier air valleys & mountain cliffs
The fields of Nature long prepared & fallow the silent cyclic chemistry
Now we're flying at an alt'tude of two hundred million feet & expect to arrive in India right on schedule
It's raining now in India

Star-screwer Ginsberg's the weightless astronaut high as the quiet sky
& in a biplane Faulkner executes history's longest loop-the-loop topped off with an Immelman two Veronicas & a moonshine toddy
The people clap

His helicopter fell down & the general died
Brave Dengler escaped survived in the jungle killed a snake & found a rat in the snake's stomach ate both snake & rat & lived to tell the tale
But the general's helicopter fell to the ground in the mountains & burned up
At the Arlington funeral the President kissed the grieving widow's cheek

The journey of the fireship is to more than India
& it's raining there too

Europe & Asia Europe & Asia
have I been to
Now home North Carolina putting it all down
like this very day today 8 o'clock Friday 21 July having watched my morning TV

New Christy Minstrels: seven gents (white) with sideburns & instruments
& two ladies (white) in miniskirts swing & sway away a wind band
When those cotton balls get rotten
You can't pick very much cotton
& the a. m. news is that three hundred Negroes
marched here in Durham County & one was injured
by a flying object
  Europe my meat mother
  Asia my meat mother
Africa my meat mother
money America my meat mother
When a those a cotton balls git a rotten
You can't a pick a very much a cotton

& they had a men's fashion show (all on the same program)
including a suit of clothes priced at $235 not petty cash

Bread lords: seven nice white guys
meat mommas: two nice white gals down in Louisiana just about a mile from Texarkana
You have to watch folksingers folks I heard a Scotch communist group once authentically butcher the Old 97 (wrecked 75 miles NW of here)
It's a mighty long way from Lynchburg to Denver
Yes folks a most mighty long way & most especially so if you leave
 Lynchburg & head south it sure is

name brands bite size commercials ulcerate lobotomize
& love

Summer of 1954 I wrote to cummings
God knows what muck it must have been but he answered
as one ignorant human being to another
i hereby wish you the very best of luck
Vive la Vie!

& an idle person could spend this July with Life the magazine
the latest of which has a picture story about the young poet Berryman's beard & lies about Ireland
(he's a youthful 52 & besides poets run just the reverse of athletes who're old men at 30 or Vietnamese whose life expectancy is 32)
So here Life gives us a younger poet with a big beard & three wives & stories about Irish pubs & how charming the Irish are & Ireland is
just like in the Aer Lingus tourist stories
about how green how green how green
green friendly green blarney stone
green sandymount green dalkey green gort & cork
green fuck

Life is my bread-brother in the body of the world of money
& television (to quote Washington Alston) my

Keep it in perspective
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