Taps & Coda -

tempora mores God & Montreal.

empire going out of biz must sell lost our cherry lost our principles.

blue blizzards of lost leases & skirmishes the ticktape alleying up in cyclone's stock of suck & vacuum holy Moses.
out of mind & business empire relinquishes its one load the ignorant generals quack & snarl in idiomatic mastiffese.

tilt the machine until it registers TILT & lights go out.
your only buffalo nickel swallowed whole & gone.

bloodlover emperor loses grip the genes & seminal esemplasm elope to atmosphere atoms rainflakes flagstones mercy me the street is nervous.
chamber of deputies up in motley smog the glad glass ads of mad ave.

Ignatius Loyola releases a prepared statement that states that we ought to minify the middleman by drowning our livestock in our sewers directly.
at that the septic men & the pig-grinders flood the house of scoundrels with a cubic acre of lobby dough.

it's time makes the matrix of mortality & me.

ah well just like a political machine or anything else on What's-His-Name's green earth a poem's a mouth at one end & a rhythm at the other.

ahem testing testing one two one two huff puff.

in recent developments on the hill the pork-workers' international brotherhood's head hood has demanded time-&-a-half for double space.
their spokesman spoke.
U huvu un umpurtunt unnuncumunt uf gruut unturust tu thu nutuun.

see see Memphis under a thousand fathoms of tobacco juice.

buffalo's brain the half cantaloupe you'd expect even the seeds neatly in place & all all asleep.
shaped like the newborn ponies seahorses will deliver.

dragonshrimp beewolves bear & buffalo down from the royal mountain of earth with too much momentum tum-tum-tum.
your house down.
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