Hamlet of A. Macleish, The - 14
It is time we should accept,
Taught by these wordy fools, the staged
Encounter and the game-pit rules.
Whilst we have slept we have grown old.
Age is a coldness leaching through.
We must consent now as all men
Whose rage is out of them must do,
Cancel this bloody feud, revoke
All tears, all pain, and to the drum,
Trump, cannon and the general cheer
Fight with a shining foil the feigned
Antagonist for stoops of beer.
Why should we want revenge of harms
Not suffered in the public street,
Or risk with sharp and hurting arms
The real encounter kept at night
Alone where none will praise our art?
It is time we should accept …
Thou wouldst not think
How ill all's here about my heart!
Taught by these wordy fools, the staged
Encounter and the game-pit rules.
Whilst we have slept we have grown old.
Age is a coldness leaching through.
We must consent now as all men
Whose rage is out of them must do,
Cancel this bloody feud, revoke
All tears, all pain, and to the drum,
Trump, cannon and the general cheer
Fight with a shining foil the feigned
Antagonist for stoops of beer.
Why should we want revenge of harms
Not suffered in the public street,
Or risk with sharp and hurting arms
The real encounter kept at night
Alone where none will praise our art?
It is time we should accept …
Thou wouldst not think
How ill all's here about my heart!
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