Meditation 1 -

Meditation I

All Christians must be Sufferers,
That Would be Christ His Followers.


All that resolve to be
Christs faithful Followers,
Must be contented in this world
To be great Sufferers
They must renounce themselves
And their own Wills deny,
Take up their Cross and follow Christ
Through Sufferings chearfully.


Not only lighter Griefs
This Cross of ours implies:
But when the Lord us calls thereto;
Greatest Extremities.
This must be taken up,
(Willingly undergone)
For Christ's dear sake who suffred more
For our Redemption.


The Christian that expects
An Earthly Paradise
When Christ bids him take up the cross
And bear it, is unwise
We must not on the knee
Be alway dandled,
Nor must we think to ride to Heaven
Upon a Feather-bed


Our way to heavenly Rest,
Is all against the Stream;
We must not fail with Wind and Tide
As too too many dream;
But row against them both,
And many Storms endure;
Till we arrive at that sweet port,
Where Saints shall rest secure


Our way is up the Hill,
Which mounteth to the Skies:
But that's the way to Death and Hell
Which low and down-hill lies
'Tis easy to descend,
And down the Hill to roll;
But this is labour to ascend,
And painful to the Soul.


But who would not take pain
Against the Hill to climbe,
That so they may true Rest attain
And Happiness in time?
Rather than down the Hill
With present ease to Run
(As most men do) until they be
Eternally undone.


Strait is the way and path
Which leadeth unto Life:
Heav'n is not gaind by Ease and Sloth,
But by an earnest Strife
But broad are all the Waies
That to Destruction lead,
And many many are the feet
That daily therein tread


Let others take their Choice,
And Run what way they please:
Let them enjoy their Lusts, and take
Their Fill of Carnal ease:
Choose thou the narrow path,
My soul, and walk therein;
Thou know'st this is the ready Way,
Eternal Life to win
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