Preparatory Meditations: Part 2 - Meditation 71: 1 Cor. 5.8. Let us keep the Feast, not with old Leven

Oh! What a Cookroom's here? all Deity
Thick blancht all ore with Properties Divine
Varnisht with grace that shineth gloriously.
Pollisht with glorious folds of brightest Shine
Enricht with Heavens Cookery the best
The Turtle Dove, and Paschall Lamb's here drest.

Oh! Dove most innocent. O Lamb, most White.
A spotless Male in prime. Whose blood's the Dier
That dies the Doore posts of the Soule most bright.
Whose body all is rost at justice's fire
And yet no bone is broken, though the Spit
Whereon its rost runs speare like, thorow it.

This Choicest Cookery is made the Feast
Where glories king doth entertain his Guests.
Where Pastie past is Godhead, filld at least
With Venison, of Paschall Lamb the best.
All spic'd and Plumb'd with Grace and disht up right
Upon Gods Table Plate Divinely bright.

This Spirituall Fare in Ordinances, and
The Wine bled from the Holy Grape, and Vine,
Thats on the Table orderd by God's hand
The Supper of the Lord, the feast Divine
God's Gospel Priests this to that Table beare
Where Saints are Guests and Angells waiters are.

The Wedden garment of Christs Righteousness
And Holy Cloathes of Sanctity most pure,
Are their atire, their Festivall rich dress:
Faith feeds upon the Paschall Lamb its sure
That on God's Porslain Dish is disht for them
And drinks the Cup studded with graces Gem.

Let at this Table, Lord, thy Servant sit,
And load my trencher with thy Paschall Lamb.
My Doore posts dy with the red blood of it.
The stroying angells weapon therewith sham
And let my Faith on thy rost mutton feed
And Drinke the Wine thy holy grape doth bleed.

Lord make my Faith feed on it heartily.
Let holy Charity my heart Cement
Unto thy Saints: and for a Cordiall high
Make mee partaker of thy Sacrament.
When with this Paschall bread and Wine I'm brisk
I in sweet Tunes thy sweetest praise will twist.
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