Voyage of Columbus, The - Canto 8


Twice in the zenith blazed the orb of light;
No shade, all sun, insufferably bright!
Then the long line found rest — in coral groves
Silent and dark, where the sea-lion roves: —
And all on deck, kindling to life again,
Sent forth their anxious spirits o'er the main.
" O whence, as wafted from Elysium, whence
These perfumes, strangers to the raptured sense?
These boughs of gold, and fruits of heavenly hue,
Tinging with vermeil light the billows blue?
And (thrice, thrice blessed is the eye that spied,
The hand that snatched it sparkling in the tide)
Whose cunning carved this vegetable bowl,
Symbol of social rites and intercourse of soul? "
Such to their grateful ear the gush of springs,
Who course the ostrich, as away she wings;
Sons of the desert! who delight to dwell
'Mid kneeling camels round the sacred well;
Who, ere the terrors of his pomp be passed,
Fall to the demon in the reddening blast.
The sails were furled; with many a melting close,
Solemn and slow the evening-anthem rose,
Rose to the Virgin. 'T was the hour of day
When setting suns o'er summer-seas display
A path of glory, opening in the west
To golden climes, and islands of the blest;
And human voices, on the silent air,
Went o'er the waves in songs of gladness there!
Chosen of Men! 'T was thine, at noon of night,
First from the prow to hail the glimmering light;
(Emblem of Truth divine, whose secret ray
Enters the soul, and makes the darkness day!)
" P EDRO ! R ODRIGO ! there, methought, it shone!
There — in the west! and now, alas! 't is gone! —
'T was all a dream! we gaze and gaze in vain!
— But mark and speak not, there it comes again!
It moves! what form unseen, what being there
With torch-like lustre fires the murky air?
His instincts, passions, say, how like our own?
O! when will day reveal a world unknown? "
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