Battle of Alcazar, The - Act 3, Prologue


Enter the Presenter and speaks .

Lo, thus into a lake of blood and gore
The brave courageous King of Portugal
Hath drench'd himself, and now prepares amain
With sails and oars to cross the swelling seas,
With men and ships, courage and cannon-shot,
To plant this cursed Moor in fatal hour;
And in this Catholic case the King of Spain
Is call'd upon by sweet Sebastian,
Who surfeiting in prime time of his youth
Upon ambition's poison, dies thereon.
By this time is the Moor to Tangier come,
A city 'longing to the Portugal;
And now doth Spain promise with holy face,
As favouring the honour of the cause,
His aid of arms, and levies men apace:
But nothing less than King Sebastian's good
He means; yet at Sucor de Tupea
He met, some say, in person with the Portugal,
And treateth of a marriage with the king:
But 'ware ambitious wiles and poison'd eyes!
There was nor aid of arms nor marriage,
For on his way without those Spaniards
King Sebastian went.
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