To His Mistriss upon Occasion of a Petrarch He Gave Her, Showing Her the Reason Why the Italian Commenters Dissent So Much in the Exposition Thereof. Sonet 4 -
Miracle of the world! I never will deny
That former poets praise the beauty of their days;
But all those beauties were but figures of thy praise,
And all those poets did of thee but prophesy.
Thy coming to the world hath taught us to descry
What Petrarch's Laura meant, for truth the lip bewrays.
Lo! why th'Italians, yet which never saw thy rays,
To find out Petrarch's sense such forged glosses try.
The beauties, which he in a veil enclosed beheld,
But revelations were within his secret heart,
By which in parables thy coming he foretold;
His songs were hymns of thee, which only now before
Thy image should be sung; for thou that goddess art,
Which only we without idolatry adore.
That former poets praise the beauty of their days;
But all those beauties were but figures of thy praise,
And all those poets did of thee but prophesy.
Thy coming to the world hath taught us to descry
What Petrarch's Laura meant, for truth the lip bewrays.
Lo! why th'Italians, yet which never saw thy rays,
To find out Petrarch's sense such forged glosses try.
The beauties, which he in a veil enclosed beheld,
But revelations were within his secret heart,
By which in parables thy coming he foretold;
His songs were hymns of thee, which only now before
Thy image should be sung; for thou that goddess art,
Which only we without idolatry adore.
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