Decad 8, Sonnet 3 -
Sonnet. III.
T'Will grieue me more then if thou didst disdaine me,
that I should die, and thou because I dye so:
and yet to die, it should not know to paine me,
if cruell Beauty were content to bid so.
Death, to my life: life, to my long dispaire,
prolong'd by her: giuen to my loue and dayes:
are meanes to tell how truely she is faire,
and I can die to testifie her praise:
Yet not to die though fairenes mee despiseth,
is cause why in complaint I thus perseuer,
though Death mee and my loue imparadizeth,
by interdicting mee, from her for euer:
I doe not greeue that I am forst to die,
But die, to thinke vpon the reason, Why.
T'Will grieue me more then if thou didst disdaine me,
that I should die, and thou because I dye so:
and yet to die, it should not know to paine me,
if cruell Beauty were content to bid so.
Death, to my life: life, to my long dispaire,
prolong'd by her: giuen to my loue and dayes:
are meanes to tell how truely she is faire,
and I can die to testifie her praise:
Yet not to die though fairenes mee despiseth,
is cause why in complaint I thus perseuer,
though Death mee and my loue imparadizeth,
by interdicting mee, from her for euer:
I doe not greeue that I am forst to die,
But die, to thinke vpon the reason, Why.
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