80 The Souls Suport and Comfort in the Worst Times, & under the Greatest Stormes -

The souls suport and comfort in the worst times, & under the greatest stormes.

Tis time, my soull to exercise, thy faith
The day cals for it, in its strength, and height
The enemys, grow proud, and insolent
Ther rage, & malice, fain would have, a vent
But hast thou not, a god to glory in
Though from below, no comfort to thee spring
He is thy father, which att stern doth sit
Who wisly governs all, as he sees fitt
His preditermin'd counsels they stand sure
No anxtious thought, can for thee this procure
To lessen to thee, one affliction
Upon thee, twill a greater load lay on
But on thy god, as on a rack most high
Thou mayst look down, with great security
Upon the raging billows, here below
When roaring, as if they would overflow
Unto thesse bousterous waves, he sets a bound
The wrath of man, shall to his praise redound
But come my soull, and let us veiw the worst
Faith can all bonds of fear, asunder burst
Should thy estate, by foes, be snach'd away
Can not thy god, abundantly repay
Both in this life, if he see fitt in kinnd
How e're in him, thou wilt abundance find
Should thy relations, by them, dye, and fall
Is not thy god, and father, all, in all
Once more, suppose, thy life, from thee they take
What hurt is this, that they shall sooner make
Thee take thy flight, unto that place of rest
Where thou dost dayly long, to make thy nest
I grant to nature, death by violence
Seems worse, then quietly to goe from hence
Yett god has promised, what he cals to
Hee will stand by, inabling to goe through
What cause hast thou, my soull to be afraid
To heaven, in a sea of bloud to wade
If thou wilt take, this course, thou shalt not faint
Still more, & more, thy self with god acquant
Acquant thy self with him, & be at peace
And then all anxtious, fears, & doupts shall cease
And thou shalt quietly both live, and dye
In spight of hell, with all its enmity
Oh fear not them, which cannot reach the soull
But shorten its race, to the blessed goall
To take possesion of that massy crown
(Laid up for thee) of glory, & renown
Can any in a better quarell dye
Then for the honour of that sweet & high
Exallted prince, & ever blessed one
Who in the highest heavens, has his throne
And if thou suffer with him, thou shalt reign
Whilst ages of eternity, remain.
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