Sick Mens Health - Meditation 1

Meditation I


Of all Afflictions that
The outward man oppress,
None are more grievous to endure
Then Pains and Sicknesses:
Especially if great,
And long continuing:
Oh what vexation to the Flesh,
And Anguish do they bring.


Yet may such anguish great
Befal a Child of God:
Not from an Enemie's wrath, but from
His gentle Father's Rod
God chastiseth his in love
Ev'n when he seems severe,
Exempting not from smarting stripes
Those whom he counts most dear.


Most Patient holy Job
Was broken out all o're
With painful boils from head to foot
Loathsome, and grievous sore.
What strange Extremities
Befel this precious Saint
His Friends astonishment declares,
So doth his own complaint.


His Visage was so marr'd
Familiars knew him not.
His stiffened Garment girl him like
The Collar of his Coat.
With running of his Sores:
His bowels boil'd within:
His bones were burnt with fervent heat
And clave unto his Skin.


His bones were pierc'd with pain;
His sinews took no rest:
Besides the many other woes
Wherewith he was opprest
He could attain no ease
Nor respite, not a little;
No not so long as till he might
Have swallowed down his Spittle.


Religious Hezekiah
Whose Zeal for God excell'd,
(In whose defence the Lord of Hosts
Had proud Sennacherib quell'd)
With Sickness great and sore
Was sharply visited,
And in the middest of his dayes
Was numbred with the dead.


He poureth out complaints
And cries to God above,
He like a Swallow chattereth
And mourneth as a Dove.
But when the Lord him hears,
And doth Salvation give,
He then can see, and also say,
That by such things men live.


Good Lazarus may be sick,
Though Christ's beloved Friend:
Yea of his Sickness he may die,
And to the grave descend.
Poor Lazarus the Beggar
Laid at the Rich mans doores
To beg relief, he may be sick
And also full of sores:


He may through Sickness die,
Or through distressing want;
And yet be carried unto Heaven
And crowned for a Saint
So then 'tis no new thing
The Saints of God to see
Under Diseases, Sickness, Pain,
And sore extremitie.
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