The Watcher on Clark's Mountain
Upon the ranges of the Blue Ridge mountains
The snow was slowly melting. Down the slopes
The vernal green appeared. The bright wild flowers
'Mid songs of early birds announced the Spring,
And Spring awakening roused the soldier spirit.
Facing each other, with the Rapidan
Between them winding, Nature's barrier,
The two proud armies of the North and South,
Of Grant and Lee, lay waiting eagerly
In their intrenchments what was soon to come, —
For the late hero of Fort Donelson
Had been exalted by the Nation's Head
To the command of all the Federal troops.
Thus the great Masters of high strategy
Confronted each the other — each untried
Against the other's genius and support —
While round them rose a Continent's expectance.
Along a score of miles the troops of Lee
Guarded the south bank of the Rapidan.
Beyond the right wing stretched the Wilderness
With tangled brush and gloomy thickets filled —
Nature's protector to the host in gray.
Upon the summit of Clark's Mountain stood
The Southern Captain viewing with far gaze
The landscape as it stretched to north and east
Before his signal station and his guns.
Oft with fixed glass he swept Culpeper's plains
Scanning the vast encampment of his foe.
Far to the north across the Rapidan,
Back to the Rappahannock's widening stream,
He viewed a city spread of Federal tents,
And o'er the canvas city flags afloat
Midst blue-hued soldiery — an awesome sight.
He saw o'er Meade's headquarters at Culpeper
His purple flag, with golden eagle set
In circling wreath of silver, high afloat,
The while his hastening couriers forth and back
Betokened every movement of the host.
And through the following night — that long full night —
He saw the Union beacon fires ablaze,
And 'neath their gleam the Federal camp astir.
He thus beholding knew his hour at hand.
Edging the conflict of the Wilderness
Lee set a day of fasting and of prayer
That his brave soldiers might together lift
Their minds and hearts on High for battle strength,
And meet the approaching crisis rightly armed.
The snow was slowly melting. Down the slopes
The vernal green appeared. The bright wild flowers
'Mid songs of early birds announced the Spring,
And Spring awakening roused the soldier spirit.
Facing each other, with the Rapidan
Between them winding, Nature's barrier,
The two proud armies of the North and South,
Of Grant and Lee, lay waiting eagerly
In their intrenchments what was soon to come, —
For the late hero of Fort Donelson
Had been exalted by the Nation's Head
To the command of all the Federal troops.
Thus the great Masters of high strategy
Confronted each the other — each untried
Against the other's genius and support —
While round them rose a Continent's expectance.
Along a score of miles the troops of Lee
Guarded the south bank of the Rapidan.
Beyond the right wing stretched the Wilderness
With tangled brush and gloomy thickets filled —
Nature's protector to the host in gray.
Upon the summit of Clark's Mountain stood
The Southern Captain viewing with far gaze
The landscape as it stretched to north and east
Before his signal station and his guns.
Oft with fixed glass he swept Culpeper's plains
Scanning the vast encampment of his foe.
Far to the north across the Rapidan,
Back to the Rappahannock's widening stream,
He viewed a city spread of Federal tents,
And o'er the canvas city flags afloat
Midst blue-hued soldiery — an awesome sight.
He saw o'er Meade's headquarters at Culpeper
His purple flag, with golden eagle set
In circling wreath of silver, high afloat,
The while his hastening couriers forth and back
Betokened every movement of the host.
And through the following night — that long full night —
He saw the Union beacon fires ablaze,
And 'neath their gleam the Federal camp astir.
He thus beholding knew his hour at hand.
Edging the conflict of the Wilderness
Lee set a day of fasting and of prayer
That his brave soldiers might together lift
Their minds and hearts on High for battle strength,
And meet the approaching crisis rightly armed.
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