2. Wherein the Sinning Woman is Bidden Freely to Go Her Way, and the Scribes and Pharisees Are Confounded -
All in the flowering time of spring,
Christ took his way from Olivet,
Adown the winding path to where
The temple gates were set.
The dawn smiled on him as he passed,
Birds sang from every leafy limb,
And sweet-faced flowers bowed their heads
In silent praise of him.
Whenas he reached the temple court,
He sat him down awhile to rest,
And give the word of brotherhood
To those who loved him best.
By now amidst the motley press
Were many a scribe and pharisee,
Who had come thence to do Christ ill
By craft and subtilty.
So, when a little space had passed,
And Jesus Rose, as if to speak,
They dragged before him, standing thus,
A woman, frail and weak.
It was a Baud of Magdala,
Caught shameless in her shameful sin,
And doomed to cruel death, alone —
Having nor kith nor kin.
She stood before him tremblingly,
Her robe rent where rough hands were laid;
And she was young, and very fair,
And bitterly afraid.
Thus, then, with sneers and questionings,
The pharisees and scribes began —
Seeking in suchwise to Foredo
Lord Christ, the son of man:
" Now, thou who scoffeth ancient laws,
And Mocketh all things that have been,
What sayest thou for this courtesan —
This Mary Magdalene?
" Full in her sin the Baud was found,
And, lo, the law of Moses saith
She shall be taken forth and stoned,
Until she die the death! "
Calmly the master heard, then stooped,
And made a writing on the sand,
While friend and foe expectant stood,
And watched his moving hand.
Then he arose and spoke — and all
God's love seemed compassed in his tone —
" Let him, " he said, " who hath no sin
Be first to cast a stone. "
They heard with awe; and there was none
In all that throng to say him nay;
And one by one the crafty crew
Slunk guiltily away.
Whenas the last had passed without,
Christ raised the sobbing woman, and
He spake sweet words to comfort her,
The while he held her hand.
" Be of good cheer, " he softly said,
" Though erst while thou wert stricken sore,
Thy soul may be made clean through love.
Go now, and sin no more. "
Christ took his way from Olivet,
Adown the winding path to where
The temple gates were set.
The dawn smiled on him as he passed,
Birds sang from every leafy limb,
And sweet-faced flowers bowed their heads
In silent praise of him.
Whenas he reached the temple court,
He sat him down awhile to rest,
And give the word of brotherhood
To those who loved him best.
By now amidst the motley press
Were many a scribe and pharisee,
Who had come thence to do Christ ill
By craft and subtilty.
So, when a little space had passed,
And Jesus Rose, as if to speak,
They dragged before him, standing thus,
A woman, frail and weak.
It was a Baud of Magdala,
Caught shameless in her shameful sin,
And doomed to cruel death, alone —
Having nor kith nor kin.
She stood before him tremblingly,
Her robe rent where rough hands were laid;
And she was young, and very fair,
And bitterly afraid.
Thus, then, with sneers and questionings,
The pharisees and scribes began —
Seeking in suchwise to Foredo
Lord Christ, the son of man:
" Now, thou who scoffeth ancient laws,
And Mocketh all things that have been,
What sayest thou for this courtesan —
This Mary Magdalene?
" Full in her sin the Baud was found,
And, lo, the law of Moses saith
She shall be taken forth and stoned,
Until she die the death! "
Calmly the master heard, then stooped,
And made a writing on the sand,
While friend and foe expectant stood,
And watched his moving hand.
Then he arose and spoke — and all
God's love seemed compassed in his tone —
" Let him, " he said, " who hath no sin
Be first to cast a stone. "
They heard with awe; and there was none
In all that throng to say him nay;
And one by one the crafty crew
Slunk guiltily away.
Whenas the last had passed without,
Christ raised the sobbing woman, and
He spake sweet words to comfort her,
The while he held her hand.
" Be of good cheer, " he softly said,
" Though erst while thou wert stricken sore,
Thy soul may be made clean through love.
Go now, and sin no more. "
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