English Courage Displayed; or, Brave News from Admiral Vernon

Come , loyal Britons all, rejoice, with joyful acclamation,
And join with one united voice upon this just occasion,
To Admiral Vernon drink a health, likewise to each brave fellow
Who with that noble Admiral was, at the taking of Porto Bello.

From Jamaica he did sail, with Commodore Brown to attend him,
Against the Spaniards to prevail, for which we must commend him,
At Porto Bello he arrived, where each brave gallant fellow
With Admiral Vernon bravely fought at the taking of Porto Bello.

Two men-of-war of twenty guns, likewise five guarda costa,
They in the harbour quickly took, to surrender they were forced, sir,
And then the town he summoned straight, to surrender to his will, O,
Which they refusing, he did shake the town of Porto Bello.

He did bombard it above two days, and they again returned it,
The bombs and mortars they did play, he vowed that he would burn it,
Which, when they came to understand he was so brave a fellow,
They did surrender, out of hand, the town of Porto Bello.

Then with his men he went on shore, who straight began to plunder,
'Tis as they served our ships before, and therefore 'tis no wonder;
With plenty of rum and good strong wine, our men did soon get mellow,
They swore that never a house should stand in the town of Porto Bello.

The governor to the Admiral sent, and to him made an offer,
And thirty thousand pieces of eight, the houses to save did proffer;
To which the Admiral did accept with a right and good free will, O,
And therefore let the houses stand, in the town of Porto Bello.

The Iron Castle he destroyed, and all the guns he seized,
The Spaniards ne'er were more annoyed, he did just what he pleased.
The Southsea , snow, he did release, and many an English fellow
From plundering these could not be kept, in the town of Porto Bello.

Besides, brave Vernon freely gave, amongst his men as follows,
Who bravely did themselves behave, full thirty thousand dollars;
This must their courage animate, each Tar is a rich fellow,
And this is good encouragement, for the taking of Porto Bello.

While trumpets they did loudly sound, and colours were displaying,
The prizes he did bring away, while sailors were huzzaying;
And then they to Jamaica came, a glorious tale to tell, O,
Of the noble actions they had done in the taking of Porto Bello.

To our good King, now loudly sing, may Providence attend him.
To Admiral Vernon, toss a glass, may Heaven aye defend him,
To Commodore Brown, toss another down, and to each gallant fellow
Who did so bravely play his part at the taking of Porto Bello
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