Every Christian Born of God

1. Every Christian born of God Must the love embody
That from God the Father flows True to him remaining.
If he God in truth does love, Could he then find hateful
What the Father calls his own? He could not, you answer.

2. When a child of holy God
Looks upon a people
Who in truth God's children are,
Then will grow and flourish
In the new-created mind
Sweet and pure devotion.
He to them inclines his mind
With the purest feelings.

3. When God crowns with holy grace
One of his disciples,
Others too will find a share
For their own remaining.
Everyone must be prepared
Help to all to offer,
Only peace and unity
Flourishes among them.

4. Lord pour down thy holy balm
On the earth below thee;
One in heart and one in soul
Make thy chosen people.
Conquer ill-will, scorn, and pride,
Which our joy may stifle;
Let us hear no sound of strife
In our band of brothers.

1. Ein von Gott geborner Christ
Wird auch herzlich lieben,
Was von Gott gezeuget ist,
Und ihn treu verblieben.
Wer den Vater liebt und ehrt,
Sollte der wohl hassen
Was den Vater angehort?
Das wird er wohl lassen.
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