How Far Is It Called to the Grave?

HOW FAR is it called to the grave?
The child looked up from its play.
The grave? I have not heard of the grave.
It must be far away.

How far is it called to the grave?
The lover looked up with a smile.
How far? From the golden land of love
It must be many a mile.

He could not see that his darling
With the bridal flowers in her hair,
As he gave her the wedding token,
Was almost there.

How far is it called to the grave?
The mother looked up with a tear,
The rose in her cheek grew pale and white,
Her heart stood still with fear.

How far? O 'tis close to the hearthstone;
Alas for the baby feet,
The little bare feet that all unled,
Are going with step so fleet,
And they are almost there.

How far is it called to the grave?
It is only a life, dear friend,
And the longest life is short at last,
And soon our lives must end.

But there is One who arose from the grave,
Who ascended triumphant on high,
With our trust in Him, we'll know no sting,
Though low in the grave we lie,
And we're almost there.
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