In an Old Orchard
In an old orchard, which the wasps and flickers
alone husband,
under aging trees —
their gentle lanes of gnarled and worm-eaten silence
paved with rank, rotting rubies and
ants milling cider in the sticky grass —
here's fruit most sweet, most stolen, where the ruin
of a fiftieth fall
dapples with leaves,
sun, shards, shadows some famished household,
long ladderless, still pitifully gathering all
windfalls onto its damp lap of graves.
Used by permission of author.
alone husband,
under aging trees —
their gentle lanes of gnarled and worm-eaten silence
paved with rank, rotting rubies and
ants milling cider in the sticky grass —
here's fruit most sweet, most stolen, where the ruin
of a fiftieth fall
dapples with leaves,
sun, shards, shadows some famished household,
long ladderless, still pitifully gathering all
windfalls onto its damp lap of graves.
Used by permission of author.
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