

Jackson is on sea, Jackson is on shore,
Jackson's gone to Mexico to fight the battles o'er.
" Welcome home, my Jackson, oh welcome home, " said she,
Last night my daughter Mary lay dreaming of thee.


" What news, Jackson? " " Very poor, " says he.
" I lost all my money while crossing the sea.
Go bring your daughter Mary and get her down by me,
We'll drown our melancholy and married we will be. "


" Oh Mary's not at home, Jack, nor has not been to-day;
And if she was at home, Jack, she would not let you stay.
For Mary's very, very rich and you are very poor,
And if she was at home, Jack, she'd show you the door. "


Jackson bein' drowsy hung down his head,
He called for a candle to light him off to bed.
The beds are full of strangers, and have been so this week —
And now for your lodging, poor Jack, you'll have to seek.


Jack looked upon the strangers, upon them one and all,
He looked upon the landlady and in reckoning he did call.
Twenty shillings of the new and twenty of the old.
With this Jack pulled out his two hands full of gold.


The sight of the money made the old woman rue:
" Mary is at home, Jack, and she'll return to you.
I hope you're not in earnest, for I only spoke in jest.
Without any exception she loves you the best. "


Mary came downstairs with a smiling face,
First a sweet kiss, then a fond embrace:
" Oh, welcome home, my Jackson, oh welcome home, my dear.
The big beds are empty and you shall lie there. "


" Before I'd lie within your beds I'd lie within the street,
For when I had no money, my lodging I must seek.
But now I've plenty money I'll make the tavern hurl,
A bottle of good brandy and on each arm a girl. "
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