Song for Memorial Day
Let us to-day,Who breathe the final sweetness of the May,
Bring the enwreathed bay
For those who trod the sacrificial way!
O sacred sod,
And O endeared dust,
Thus would we keep our trust, —
Our trust which is remembrance, and the just
Tribute to those who fought and found their God!
Not with Love's melting eyes
Bending above them did they drop the mould
Of their mortality, and watch unfold
The bright celestial skies;
The face they saw
Was red-envisaged Battle, with the awe
Of thunders round about him wide unrolled;
Not upon fair white wings, but wings of flame,
The summoning vision came.
In many a garden-close
The year's first rose
Opens its perfumed petals to the day;
Then twine these with the bay,
These tokens redolent, that they may be
As fires about the shrine of Memory,
Making perennially sweet the airs
Whereon are borne our prayers!
Our prayers! — Yea, let us lift them! Those that sleep
Have won the last great conflict, gained the crown
Of radiance and renown,
Leaving us warders of their heritage;
Be our beseechment, then, that we may keep
The land for which they bled
(Loyal and laureled dead!)
Unsullied as their courage, a white light
Of peace and purity in all men's sight
For the unfolding age!English
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