The True Friend

Young persons, it is true, admire
The heart that burns with ardent fire —
Where comes no sob or sigh,
They bear the summer's heat in measure,
If they enjoy it all with pleasure,
Fatigue and trouble fly.

She is precisely like yourself —
In habits, principles, and wealth,
In beauty's opening prime;
Her eyes and voice are of the same,
And like you is array'd in name,
Useful alike in time.

Our dearest friends on earth do die,
We mourn disconsolate — and why!
Their bodies are at rest!
But now the friend of whom I speak,
Is one whom all of you should seek,
This friend is really best.

In language beautiful, might she
From Ruth and Time address thee;
" With thee, I ever go,
Where thou diest, I will die,
Where thou art buried I will lie;
Lord deal with me thus so. "

An introduction to this friend,
So surely ought you to attend,

Strive daily to improve;
Are you industrious, pious, good?
If true — the same is understood —
By friendship ne'er to move.

If you persist in wrongful deeds,
She has a way in which she heeds;
The heart has weight of stone:
'Tis said by some a punishment,
Severe to wrongful sentiment,
The feelings never won.

Be punctual to appointed time,
Frank to the questions that are mine,
Agree as I propose:
Set down at slumber, wait for me,
And answer what I say to thee,
And unto me disclose!

She, several questions you will ask,
Happy if you say yes, in task,
This Friend most true in heart;
That gold most pure, that rust cannot,
That thief nor robber, can't corrupt,
This Friend is ne'er to part.
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