Legend of the Pessimist

The Lord God sat over space for a seat
Seven suns were under His feet.

The Lord God's riddle the Lord God said
" The daisy crown has a ring of red. "

Past chaos, giants adrift and dim
The soul of the pessimist answered him.

" Stars are nakedness, worlds are woe
This is the thing my tongue shall show. "

Strong moons flickered and heavens bowed
As the Lord God laughed in His place aloud.

" How wilt thou do this, mighty one? "
" Give me five gifts and it is done. "

" Ring me round in a living flame
— a little gift to begin the game. "

" Arch my brow like the sky's own dome
Merrily on our work doth come. "

" Set in it eyes as flames that see
How shall I else make nought of thee? "

" Shape my lips like a trumpet curled
Fashioned to flout thee and thy world. "

" World of thunderclap, kiss of strife
Wake within me the star of life. "

" Titans travailling, world-wide wings
This is the marvel of wonderous things. "

Sunshine thickens and grasses thrive
Only and under a man alive.

His eyes are suns to blaze and beat
Down on the daisy at his feet.

Only a word his lips have said
" The daisy crown has a ring of red. "

Read God's riddle he that knows
Down in the fields where the daisy grows.
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