Folks at Lonesomeville
PORE-FOLKS lives at Lonesomeville —
Lawzy! but they're pore
Houses with no winders in,
And hardly any door:
Chimbly all tore down, and no
Smoke in that at all —
Ist a stovepipe through a hole
In the kitchen wall!
Pump 'at's got no handle on;
And no wood-shed — And, wooh! —
Mighty cold there, choppin' wood,
Like pore-folks has to do! —
Winter-time, and snow and sleet
Ist fairly fit to kill! —
Hope to goodness Santy Claus
Goes to Lonesomeville!
Lawzy! but they're pore
Houses with no winders in,
And hardly any door:
Chimbly all tore down, and no
Smoke in that at all —
Ist a stovepipe through a hole
In the kitchen wall!
Pump 'at's got no handle on;
And no wood-shed — And, wooh! —
Mighty cold there, choppin' wood,
Like pore-folks has to do! —
Winter-time, and snow and sleet
Ist fairly fit to kill! —
Hope to goodness Santy Claus
Goes to Lonesomeville!
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