Sie Haben dir Viel Erzälet
Sie haben dir viel erzählet
They have told you many stories
And made a great to-do;
But why my spirit worries
Has not been told to you.
They made a stir and pother,
Complaining and shaking the head,
" A devil! " they said to each other;
And you believed all they said.
And yet the very worst thing
They never even have guessed;
For the worst and most accurst thing,
I carry hid in my breast.
They have told you many stories
And made a great to-do;
But why my spirit worries
Has not been told to you.
They made a stir and pother,
Complaining and shaking the head,
" A devil! " they said to each other;
And you believed all they said.
And yet the very worst thing
They never even have guessed;
For the worst and most accurst thing,
I carry hid in my breast.
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