Mein Wagen Rollet Langsam
Mein Wagen rollet langsam
My carriage rolls on slowly;
Woods are a cheerful green;
Valleys exult with flowers —
The world's a magic scene!
I sit and think of my loved one,
And dream that she might be here;
And lo, at my side three phantoms
Curtsey and grin and leer.
They bow and they bob and they caper,
Mocking, yet bashful and kind . . .
And then, like an eddy of vapor,
They titter and pass with the wind.
My carriage rolls on slowly;
Woods are a cheerful green;
Valleys exult with flowers —
The world's a magic scene!
I sit and think of my loved one,
And dream that she might be here;
And lo, at my side three phantoms
Curtsey and grin and leer.
They bow and they bob and they caper,
Mocking, yet bashful and kind . . .
And then, like an eddy of vapor,
They titter and pass with the wind.
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