
By time's a-brought the mornen light,
By time the light do weäne;
By time's a-brought the young man's might,
By time his might do weäne;
The Winter snow do whiten grass,
The zummer flow'rs do brighten grass,
Vor zome things we do lose wi' pain,
We've mwore that mid be jaÿè to gain,
An' my dear life do seem the seäme
While at my zide
There still do bide
Your welcome feäce an' hwomely neäme.

Wi' ev'ry day that woonce come on
I had to choose a jaÿè,
Wi' many that be since a-gone
I had to lose a jaÿè.
Drough longsome years a-wanderen,
Drough lwonesome rest a-ponderen,
Woone peaceful daytime wer a-bro't
To heal the heart another smote;
But my dear life do seem the seäme
While I can hear,
A-sounden near,
Your answ'ren vaice an' long-call'd neäme.

An' oh! that hope, when life do dawn,
Should rise to light our waÿè,
An' then, wi' weänen het withdrawn,
Should soon benight our waÿè.
Whatever mid beval me still,
Wherever chance mid call me still,
Though leäte my evenen tweil mid cease,
An' though my night mid lose its peace,
My life will seem to me the seäme
While you do sheäre
My daily ceäre,
An' answer to your long-call'd neäme.
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