To Mr. Joseph Mitchell, on the Successful Representation of a Tragedy
But jealousy, dear Jos. which aft gives pain
To scrimpit sauls, I own myself right vain
To see a native trusty friend of mine
Sae brawly 'mang our bleezing billies shine.
Yes, wherefore no, shaw them the frozen north
Can tow'ring minds with heav'nly heat bring forth:
Minds that can mount with an uncommon wing,
And frae black heath'ry-headed mountains sing,
As saft as he that haughs Hesperian treads,
Or leans beneath the aromatic shades;
Bred to the love of lit'rature and arms,
Still something great a Scottish bosom warms;
Tho' nurs'd on ice, and educate in snaw,
Honour and liberty eggs him up to draw
A hero's sword, or an heroic quill,
The monst'rous faes of right and wit to kill.
Well may ye further in your leal design
To thwart the gowks, and gar the brethren tine
The wrang opinion which they lang have had,
That a' which mounts the stage is surely bad.
Stupidly dull! — but fools ay fools will be,
And nane 's sae blind as them that winna see.
Where 's vice and virtue set in juster light?
Where can a glancing genius shine mair bright?
Where can we human life review mair plain,
Than in the happy plot and curious scene?
If in themsells sic fair designs were ill,
We ne'er had priev'd the sweet dramatic skill,
Of Congreve, Addison, Steele, Rowe, and Hill;
Hill, wha the highest road to fame doth chuse,
And has some upper seraph for his muse;
It maun be sae, else how could he display,
With so just strength, the great tremendous day?
Sic patterns, Joseph, always keep in view,
Ne'er fash if ye can please the thinking few,
Then, spite of malice, worth shall have its due.
But jealousy, dear Jos. which aft gives pain
To scrimpit sauls, I own myself right vain
To see a native trusty friend of mine
Sae brawly 'mang our bleezing billies shine.
Yes, wherefore no, shaw them the frozen north
Can tow'ring minds with heav'nly heat bring forth:
Minds that can mount with an uncommon wing,
And frae black heath'ry-headed mountains sing,
As saft as he that haughs Hesperian treads,
Or leans beneath the aromatic shades;
Bred to the love of lit'rature and arms,
Still something great a Scottish bosom warms;
Tho' nurs'd on ice, and educate in snaw,
Honour and liberty eggs him up to draw
A hero's sword, or an heroic quill,
The monst'rous faes of right and wit to kill.
Well may ye further in your leal design
To thwart the gowks, and gar the brethren tine
The wrang opinion which they lang have had,
That a' which mounts the stage is surely bad.
Stupidly dull! — but fools ay fools will be,
And nane 's sae blind as them that winna see.
Where 's vice and virtue set in juster light?
Where can a glancing genius shine mair bright?
Where can we human life review mair plain,
Than in the happy plot and curious scene?
If in themsells sic fair designs were ill,
We ne'er had priev'd the sweet dramatic skill,
Of Congreve, Addison, Steele, Rowe, and Hill;
Hill, wha the highest road to fame doth chuse,
And has some upper seraph for his muse;
It maun be sae, else how could he display,
With so just strength, the great tremendous day?
Sic patterns, Joseph, always keep in view,
Ne'er fash if ye can please the thinking few,
Then, spite of malice, worth shall have its due.
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